

***MATT VALDEZ Down South Boy, By: Jeff (JT ) Tatum the original longboarder.>>**
Matt lives in VISTA north county San Diego CA USA .when I watch Matt SK8 it reminds me of when I was 16 years old like Matt is now. This Kid is smooth when he rides he knows something about SK8ing that he doesn't even know that he knows. He just gets it. And he rides a longer board of course. He SK8's local spots like: MLK, PALA, SECTOR 9, Hills, Banks & back yard empty pools. He's a cool polite kid not all whacked out and stuck up. He just wants to SK8. Matt has a WICKED super early release FRONT SIDE AIR that's like surfing on air (so smooth).

Mr. VALDEZ also has a sic smooth JT AIR/backside ollie.

Matt's SK8er review is the first SK8er write up put on Matt will go down in histoy for that, His SK8ing & who he is "A WAY COOL SK8ER". Matt hangs out at MLK SK8park alot in east Oceanside SD CA USA his home turf.                                                                                                                              

 Matt doesn't look or dress like the rest of the SK8er kids he dose kind of a cool 70's thing , His own thing.
Matt dose it HIS WAY. Matt may not know it but he's a pat of SK8ing's future. He needs a LIGIT sponsor & a new Skateboard. This Kid is PURE AMERICANA, DOWN SOUTH, CALI, SO. CAL., USA. "JT"

Kids will be KIDs

STYLE, Sting like a BEE fly like a BIRD, FREEDOM
PHOTOS bY:> Tatum
March 2012, USA

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