
Monday, November 12, 2012


                                      >>TAIL DEVILS for some SPARKY fun, night or day<<
                                               Spark Photos in this video By: Dan Sparagna
             *There's nothing like FIRE to make something more INTERESTING I always say>>JT.
                   *Spark Air @ CORONADO sk8park, San Diego CA USA  <<PARADISE>>

Clairmont wood bowl spine

*Look at the Sparks splitting off like fireworks*
Spark Photos By: Dan Sparagna

**Check out the one SPARK that's going strait up then splitting off.>>
        ****SO WICKED****

My New TOY

I bought this deck in Oct. 2012 at the swap meet by my house for only $25.00.
It had GULLWING pro Trucks & crappy wheels on it I changed them to some KILLER Revenge Trucks & RAINSKATES wheels,,They turn so 
GOOD I love em for flat ground cruzzin. Then of course I painted up the whole thing,,
**American Flames** 
**(THRILL CRAZY AMERICAN deck bottom )**
                                               Throw on some TAIL DEVILS to lite the way.
                                   Big Big Fun Fun in the UNDERGROUND Sun Sun, CA USA
                                       **RAINSKATE WHEELS the best in THE WORLD**
**(DEEP END deck top)**
    >I made my own Rails out of wood for this ride<
    >Custom Painted (american X),,REVENGE trucks<  
>If you have not sk8ed REVENGE trucks try some they are WAY KILLER for flat ground cruzzin< 

Whack Color stripe,Custom grip tape By:> Tatum
Like Snowboarding on CEMENT,,Carves CLEAN. I put in some> RUSH BOMBER bearings (SIC).
When I don't wanna sk8 the park & just do a little carving I whip this baby out & GO FLOW.
                                        **in PARADISE Underground San Diego CA USA**
                                            *Ride ON Bro Ride ON >>>SK8ING IS LIFE<<

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dead Man Sk8in


I'm Dead Your Not, My Grave is a 6 foot deep hole called a SK8 BOWL. What is yours ?.
Photo By: David Pang, Oct. 2012,Clairmont sk8 park, CA USA
                               Flying in COLOR,, Rainskates Wheels 4 EVER. WOOD is GOOD.
                              Photo By:: David Pang> JT.Oct. 2012,,Clairmont Wood Bowl. USA.
       I ride 187 killer Pads,, The BEST in the WORLD>>>>ACE trucks 55s,,The BEST<<in theWORLD.
                                                  Photo By:>  David Pang,,,SK8ing By: Jeff Tatum

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


OVER THE WEDDING CAKE, HAND IN THE FROSTING, LEAVING NO CRUMS, SO SWEET. I learned to go over the steps at PALA SK8 park (north county San diego). There is a fake set of steps there that's kind of hard to go over. So if you learn there most every where else is eazy.
*Pala SK8park. PhotoBy: dippy, 2011

I Love going over steps. I like to put my hand on the top step, lean in a lot and just power over it. So cool. The little wedding cake steps at ETNIES SK8park>>:(Lake Forest OC CA) in the little black clover pool are WAY KILLER fun to blast over (Not too risky) but not too safe. Just right.
**All other photos By M Ray @ Etnies.>>

I think putting your inside hand on the top step makes it much eazyer to make it over. You just kind of PIVOT YOURSELF around the cake on your hand- And it FORCES you lean in. It looks cooler too. Once I broke my thumb real bad by jamming it on the top step and now I have to tape it up to SK8. Blow outs and Hanging up on a step coming down can be a CRASH UP too.
**Here are a few sequence clips that will give you the FEEL of the FLOW over the CAKE.

It's all one movement just lean in a lot and whip you body around the cake.
 STICK your FINGERS in the FROSTING, Ride it out, LICK off your FINGERS and head back in the BOWL for MORE. Now I just Gotta learn how to go over front side?. *GEE! It's HARD being a SK8 Bummm in PARADISE but someone's gotta do it.  Photos Snapped By: Michael Ray- Early 2012. Tatum Series, blue zx & green ec4PiCs >>>>USA.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


At the end of March 2012 I had a GOOD SK8 night with MICHAEL RAY & his camera. The outfit was killer the airs were BIG the night was nice & the park uncrowed. SK8ING in PARADISE. Life is good. I am Blessed. Here's a taste of air from that night. Photo sequence By:> MICHAEL RAY

BING, BANG, BOOM- Just like that > Front side AIR- By: JT

Friday, March 23, 2012

InSide Shots


Deck Art

                                     The first DEEP END deck, Art by: Greg Fountain & J Tatum


                                                                  I saw this in a dream
                                                                  Snow Home in the Hills. By: JT

PALA SK8park San Diego CA USA

PALA Sk8park is one of my most favorite SK8 spots in paradise. The cement is perfect, It's very uncrowded & the bowls are killer. You gotta go.

There's a fake pool steps set up there that's killer for learning to go over steps, that's where I learned.
The kidney pool is SIC, it's half park half backyard with good coaping and a nice shallow end.

SK8 ART SCRAPS by: Tatum

Classic BERT Slide

                                                                    THE CLASSIC BERT SLIDE
                                                                        By: Jeff (JT) Tatum
The BERT slide is named after a famous Hawaiian surfer Larry Bertlemen. Larry first did the move on waves then brought it to the pavement in the mid 70s. The BERT slide was probably the first real SK8 trick. I like well shaped fairly steep round top banks for a good BERT. It’s fun to get as stretched out as possible and then pull out of it smooth enough to ride away with speed. ** JT Bert Slide, 8 Sequence.PiCs,bY: Michael Ray
#1: Approach the bank with plenty of speed.

#2: Crouch down while riding up the bank then put your inside hand down just before your slide.

#3: Lighten up your back foot, Swing and slide only the back wheels around until you are pointing back into the bowl.

#3: Swing the slide and your whole body around your planted arm using your hand as a pivot, Everything should move but your hand after it’s been planted.

#5: Then center all your weight back on the deck and ride back in.

#6: Then DO IT AGAIN