
Monday, November 12, 2012


                                      >>TAIL DEVILS for some SPARKY fun, night or day<<
                                               Spark Photos in this video By: Dan Sparagna
             *There's nothing like FIRE to make something more INTERESTING I always say>>JT.
                   *Spark Air @ CORONADO sk8park, San Diego CA USA  <<PARADISE>>

Clairmont wood bowl spine

*Look at the Sparks splitting off like fireworks*
Spark Photos By: Dan Sparagna

**Check out the one SPARK that's going strait up then splitting off.>>
        ****SO WICKED****

My New TOY

I bought this deck in Oct. 2012 at the swap meet by my house for only $25.00.
It had GULLWING pro Trucks & crappy wheels on it I changed them to some KILLER Revenge Trucks & RAINSKATES wheels,,They turn so 
GOOD I love em for flat ground cruzzin. Then of course I painted up the whole thing,,
**American Flames** 
**(THRILL CRAZY AMERICAN deck bottom )**
                                               Throw on some TAIL DEVILS to lite the way.
                                   Big Big Fun Fun in the UNDERGROUND Sun Sun, CA USA
                                       **RAINSKATE WHEELS the best in THE WORLD**
**(DEEP END deck top)**
    >I made my own Rails out of wood for this ride<
    >Custom Painted (american X),,REVENGE trucks<  
>If you have not sk8ed REVENGE trucks try some they are WAY KILLER for flat ground cruzzin< 

Whack Color stripe,Custom grip tape By:> Tatum
Like Snowboarding on CEMENT,,Carves CLEAN. I put in some> RUSH BOMBER bearings (SIC).
When I don't wanna sk8 the park & just do a little carving I whip this baby out & GO FLOW.
                                        **in PARADISE Underground San Diego CA USA**
                                            *Ride ON Bro Ride ON >>>SK8ING IS LIFE<<

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dead Man Sk8in


I'm Dead Your Not, My Grave is a 6 foot deep hole called a SK8 BOWL. What is yours ?.
Photo By: David Pang, Oct. 2012,Clairmont sk8 park, CA USA
                               Flying in COLOR,, Rainskates Wheels 4 EVER. WOOD is GOOD.
                              Photo By:: David Pang> JT.Oct. 2012,,Clairmont Wood Bowl. USA.
       I ride 187 killer Pads,, The BEST in the WORLD>>>>ACE trucks 55s,,The BEST<<in theWORLD.
                                                  Photo By:>  David Pang,,,SK8ing By: Jeff Tatum

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


OVER THE WEDDING CAKE, HAND IN THE FROSTING, LEAVING NO CRUMS, SO SWEET. I learned to go over the steps at PALA SK8 park (north county San diego). There is a fake set of steps there that's kind of hard to go over. So if you learn there most every where else is eazy.
*Pala SK8park. PhotoBy: dippy, 2011

I Love going over steps. I like to put my hand on the top step, lean in a lot and just power over it. So cool. The little wedding cake steps at ETNIES SK8park>>:(Lake Forest OC CA) in the little black clover pool are WAY KILLER fun to blast over (Not too risky) but not too safe. Just right.
**All other photos By M Ray @ Etnies.>>

I think putting your inside hand on the top step makes it much eazyer to make it over. You just kind of PIVOT YOURSELF around the cake on your hand- And it FORCES you lean in. It looks cooler too. Once I broke my thumb real bad by jamming it on the top step and now I have to tape it up to SK8. Blow outs and Hanging up on a step coming down can be a CRASH UP too.
**Here are a few sequence clips that will give you the FEEL of the FLOW over the CAKE.

It's all one movement just lean in a lot and whip you body around the cake.
 STICK your FINGERS in the FROSTING, Ride it out, LICK off your FINGERS and head back in the BOWL for MORE. Now I just Gotta learn how to go over front side?. *GEE! It's HARD being a SK8 Bummm in PARADISE but someone's gotta do it.  Photos Snapped By: Michael Ray- Early 2012. Tatum Series, blue zx & green ec4PiCs >>>>USA.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


At the end of March 2012 I had a GOOD SK8 night with MICHAEL RAY & his camera. The outfit was killer the airs were BIG the night was nice & the park uncrowed. SK8ING in PARADISE. Life is good. I am Blessed. Here's a taste of air from that night. Photo sequence By:> MICHAEL RAY

BING, BANG, BOOM- Just like that > Front side AIR- By: JT

Friday, March 23, 2012

InSide Shots


Deck Art

                                     The first DEEP END deck, Art by: Greg Fountain & J Tatum